PLJ 2023 Lahore (Note) 108 Present : Ch. Muhammad Iqbal , J. Mst. RASOOLAN BIBI--Petitioner versus PROVINCE OF PUNJAB through District Collector--Respondents C.R. No. 24767 of 2017, heard on 12.4.2023. Specific Relief Act, 1877 (I of 1877)-- ----S. 42--Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984, Arts. 17 & 79--Suit for declaration--Dismissal of--Concurrent findings--Entitlement for inheritation--Oral gift mutation by defendants--Depriving of daughters from their inheritance share--Non-compliance of mandatory provisions of law--Neither attesting witnesses of oral gift mutation in question nor Revenue Officers who entered gift mutation were produced in evidence to prove alleged oral gift mutation-- It is mandatory for beneficiary respondents to produce requisite number of witnesses of very oral gift transaction as well as gift mutation--Non-compliance of mandatory provisions of law which is considered fatal for case of respondents--Respondents tried to deprive petitioner from her...
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